More growers keen to join Coffee rehab work in PNG
The Coffee Industry Corporation’s Productive Partnerships in Agriculture Project (CIC-PPAP) has created a demand for more growers wanting to join its coffee rehabilitation program.This was observed...
View ArticleNCDC to give away 5000 Land Titles to settlers and other residents
If the City Hall has its way, some 5000 land titles will be issued to settlers and other City Residents says NCD Governor Powes Parkop.Speaking to residents of Nautana community near Baruni in Moresby...
Streetscaping for a Milne Bay Mall in the township of Alotau and upgrade and rehabilitation of its’ town roads was launched this Monday by Deputy Prime Minister and Alotau MP Charles Abel.What had been...
View ArticleWanigela to get Clinic
Wanigela village or settlement in the Port Moresby South Electorate witnessed the ground breaking ceremony by the Minister for Health and HIV/AIDS and Member for Abau Sir Puka Temu,Member for Moresby...
View ArticleRise in Pasifika and Māori students in medical school to bring more diverse...
Is there a Pasifika doctor in the house?There surely will be soon with more and more students of Māori and Pacific Islands descent studying in the medical field.New University of Otago figures on the...
View ArticlePNG NRI urged to organise awareness conferences on Bougainville
The ABG President Chief DR.JOHN MOMIS has asked the National Research Institute to plan and organize similar Referendum Conferences as the one that ended in Port Moresby yesterday.President MOMIS said...
View ArticlePeace the ultimate goal, says ABG President MOMIS
ABG President Chief DR.N MOMIS says that the ultimate goal of the Bougainville Peace Agreement is permanent ending to the Bougainville conflict.He made these comments when speaking at the National...
View ArticlePNG Kina Bank on hightech race to win the unbanked
PNG Kina BankTHE Kina Bank aims to tap into the 70 per cent of the “unbanked population” of the country through technology and innovation, says group chief executive Greg Pawson.Pawson and senior...
View ArticlePNG's Momase Region to see major developments
Tenders will be awarded in the coming weeks for the building and design of the Wewak and Vanimo international wharves in the Momase region of PNG, according to Planning and Monitoring Minister Richard...
View ArticleVanuatu Opposition file motion of no confidence against PM Salwai
Vanuatu Opposition bloc’s motion of no confidence against Prime Minister Charlot Salwai deposited with the Office of the Speaker Tuesday, is in order.Dated 12 June 2018, the motion carried nine (9)...
View ArticlePNG Political Party Road Show in Madang and Lae
The Registry of Political Parties will be conducting its political party roadshows in the form of “political party expos” from June 18 to 22 in Madang and Morobe Provinces. The roadshows will be staged...
View ArticlePakakota and Joseph flies PNG flag at Football for Friendship Programme
Young football player Justus Joseph, alongside a young aspiring journalist, Bethany Pakakota, have both departed the shores of Papua New Guinea for Moscow last Friday, Russia for this year’s Football...
View ArticleAir Niugini to offer direct Japan/FSM/PNG Services starting September
From 01st September 2018, Air Niugini will commence direct air services between Narita Japan, and Chuuk in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM).The air services agreement to formalize this...
View ArticleVatican’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin visits Papua New Guinea
Hundreds of Catholic faithfuls gathered at Jacksons International Airport recently to welcome Vatican’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin.Among them was Chairman of the Board of Air Niugini...
View ArticleSecond PNG National Agriculture Summit announced for JULY 17TH -20TH
“Over the years, the industry never had a proper platform to engage in meaningful dialogue between the private and the public sectors."(Image: Rice Fields)The second National Agriculture Summit is set...
(BSP’s Head of Marketing, Gorethy Semi presenting the cheque to Port Moresby Racquet Club representative and Squash Tournament Director, Merlyn Alarcos-Kriebisch as junior squash players look on.)Bank...
View ArticlePassenger plane set alight in Civil unrest in Papua New Guinea's Mendi town
Several buildings including, court houses, education office, health office and an Air Niugini Dash 8 aircraft have been set alight in the Southern Highlands Provincial Capital Mendi, Papua New Guinea...
View ArticleMPs invited to join active City development programs - Be the change
Members of Parliament have been called to lead our people by example into practicing responsible and preventive health care by joining the Active City Development program’s Walk and Yoga for Life or...
View ArticlePort Moresby fast growing urban center in Papua New Guiena
Port Moresby Skyline PORT Moresby is the Nation’s Capital and warrants the best, as Papua New Guinea now becomes one of the major global players.City Manager Bernard Kipit said this in an interview...
View ArticleApplying security forces against Civillians note a Panacea , says Polye
APPLYING SECURITY FORCES AGAINST CIVILIANS NOT A PANACEA: DIGGING OUT ROOT CAUSE A NATIONAL CONCERN SAYS POLYEBelow is former Opposition Leader Don Polye's view on the incident in Mendi. He said this...
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