Simbu province will stage a cultural show next weekend.The Chimbu Provincial Cultural Show is being revived after almost two decades.The show which take place from Friday to Sunday is expected to...
PNG Prime Minister Peter O'neillPrime Minister Peter O' Neil has ordered the Public Service Minister to restructure of the management of office leases.This follows a status report on government office...
Manam Islands was destroyed by volcano. Getty Images The Manam Resettlement Project in Madang has reportedly been stalled by the local MP, John Hickey.This was revealed by the newly- elected President...
View ArticleJiwaka Province gets K138 million
The Jiwaka Province can now go ahead and start implementing its impact projects - thanks to the National Government for its increased allocation in the 2014 Budget.Among these projects will include the...
View ArticleMadang Treasure closed
The Madang Provincial Treasury Office was closed for two days last week.Senior Treasury officers say, this followed the abrupt departure of Provincial Treasurer, Andrew Namuesh, on Thursday.Mr. Namuesh...
View ArticlePolye seeks bank access for masses
Don PolyeTHERE’S a pressing need for the common people to get much-needed access to financial services as means to improve their lot, Treasurer Don Polye saidSpeaking at the opening of a two-day...
View ArticleMore AFP officers arrive for PNG - Australia policing partnership
More AFP officers arrive in PNG . EMTVTwelve more Australian Federal Police Officers arrived today in Port Moresby for the PNG-Australia policing partnership.They complete the total 59 AFP officers, an...
View ArticleIllegal transfer of titles rampant
ILLEGAL transfer of titles has been rampant among tenants and occupants of National Housing Corporation (NHC) properties for many years, NHC acting managing director John Dege said yesterday.He said...
View ArticleKiller mum in PNG gets 10 years
A MOTHER of two will spend 10 years in prison with hard labour after she was convicted of the manslaughter of her husband by the Waigani National Court in Port Moresby. Deputy Chief Justice Gibbs...
View ArticleYagama , Yama guilty
USINO Bundi MP Anton Yagama and his political rival Peter Yama have been found guilty of contempt.The contempt charges arose from a row between their supporters during the hearing of an election...
View ArticleUN official urges PNG parliamentarians to lead by example
MEMBERS of Parliament have been encouraged to lead by example in advocating on population and development issues.United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) country representative Walter Mendoca Filho said...
View ArticleHIV positive sex workers operating from settlements : Working class warned
SEX workers who are HIV positive have moved into settlements and areas outside the urban centres, a prevention officer has warned.Rodney Bafeo Junior, Anglicare’s HIV/AIDS prevention officer and Ward...
The PNG Council of Churches has come down hard on the Speaker of Parliament, and the Community Development Minister.They also refuted the Speaker’s comment in today’s paper that by removing the...
View ArticleZurenuoc Justifies removal of PNG parliament carvings
PNG Parliament Speaker. Getty ImagePNG parliament Speaker has justified that the national Parliament is undergoing a facelift as part of a modernisation programme to restore national unity. “When...
View ArticleProcedures for importing into PNG : PNG Customs
MANY importers still do not know the processes involved in importing goods, PNG Customs Services said. In a paid advertisement, the customs agency said it was taking a public awareness drive on the...
View ArticleFinal Aussie police contingent arrives in PNG
THE FINAL contingent of Australian Federal Police (AFP) officers arrived at Jackson International Airport in the nation’s capital on Saturday.The 10 officers will be working alongside their...
View ArticlePrisoners walk to freedom in PNG
TWO prisoners walked to freedom early this year soon after the Kundiawa District Court sentenced them to two years’ hard labour for wilfully damaging properties.Genai Waiya and Martin Aina from the...
View ArticlePNG Finance Minister denies claims
FINANCE Minister James Marape has denied allegations that the Finance Department made an illegal payment of K2 million to a Lae-based company from the District Services Improvement Programme (DSIP)...
View ArticlePNG Police Commissioner announces pay increase for Police
PUBLIC safety will be the main focus of the police next year, Police Commissioner Tom Kulunga says.Speaking at the police end of year parade in Port Moresby last Friday, Kulunga said resourcing the...
View ArticleChurch association backs Zurenuoc
PNG Parliament carvings. Getty ImagesTHE Kulga for Jesus Association, representing more than 15,000 people in Nebilyer Valley, near Mt Hagen, Western Highlands, has thrown its support behind parliament...
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