A research conducted by the Office of Censorship has shown that 67 per cent of school pupils in PNG have internet accessible phones.
The primary aim of the research was to collect data on the use of mobile phones by school children accessing and distributing indecent materials via internet.
Office of Censorship research officer Cyril Karuak said accessing, viewing and downloading of pornographic materials via mobile phones and internet were presumed to be increasing.
“With such activities, there’s corresponding and related acts of sexual offences involving minors (children) and other related criminal or anti-social activities like human trafficking, drug transporting activities and others,” he said.
Karuak said the advancement in modern information and communication technology (ICT) had made accessibility to information and indecent materials easy.
He said 322 questionnaires were issued to pupils in the Southern and New Guinea Island region in 2014 and data collected showed that:
“When asked if they were aware of the classification ratings systems in place (G, PGR, M and R), 69 percent said they were aware but said no when asked if they applied the film classification system ratings.
The primary aim of the research was to collect data on the use of mobile phones by school children accessing and distributing indecent materials via internet.
Office of Censorship research officer Cyril Karuak said accessing, viewing and downloading of pornographic materials via mobile phones and internet were presumed to be increasing.
“With such activities, there’s corresponding and related acts of sexual offences involving minors (children) and other related criminal or anti-social activities like human trafficking, drug transporting activities and others,” he said.
Karuak said the advancement in modern information and communication technology (ICT) had made accessibility to information and indecent materials easy.
He said 322 questionnaires were issued to pupils in the Southern and New Guinea Island region in 2014 and data collected showed that:
- 67 per cent of the students had internet accessible phones;
- 18 per cent did not possess a mobile phone; and
- 15 per cent provided other answers. Karuak said the research also revealed that the type of programmes mostly preferred by pupilson their mobile phones were entertainment and music.
“When asked if they were aware of the classification ratings systems in place (G, PGR, M and R), 69 percent said they were aware but said no when asked if they applied the film classification system ratings.