The Pacific Games Organising Committee Press Operations department is confident that
international and local media will be provided with top-rate services and information to assist
in their coverage of Port Moresby 2015 Pacific Games.
The Press Operations team is in charge of all services for the local and international media
covering the Games and has now moved into operational mode ahead of Saturday's
Opening Ceremony.
Press Operations' Games News Service (GNS) - made up of UPNG journalism students,
PNG government public relations personnel, local photography enthusiasts and a small
number of international event media professionals – is tasked with providing news, images
and information from across the Games.
CEO of the Games Organising Committee Peter Stewart, says that the GNS gives the local
students and photographers a wonderful opportunity to work at an international event and
will provide invaluable experience to progress their budding media careers.
He believes this will also provide a great legacy to the host country.
“The Games News Service is the information nerve centre for the Games and will link with
the radio and television broadcast to give well-rounded news and media coverage of the
2015 Pacific Games and its associated activities,” says Stewart.
“Our role is critical and therefore our preparations must be spot on.”
The Press Operations team held a number of role specific training sessions for the Games
team over the past two months and will have more than 100 personnel who, in addition to
the Games News Service, will manage the Main Press Centre, venue press centres and all
press areas at the venues.
More than 250 local and international media have been accredited to cover the Games,
while 15 television stations from across the world have rights to broadcast the Games.
All GNS news and images may be reproduced with attribution.