GORDON market was reopened by NCD Governor Powes Parkop after a short dedication service for the late Constable Christopher Yaminigi in front of the market yesterday.
The market has been closed for over a week following the daylight murder of a police officer by thugs near the Gordon bus stop.
During the service, Governor Parkop and the residents at Gordon made a commitment to change the market and refrain from petty crimes and murder and start rebuilding its status and reputation.
Mr Parkop said after the incident, he was put under a lot of pressure from other MPs and the public to permanently close the market but he had stubbornly decided to reopen it because it will benefit the local sellers and consumers around the Waigani, Gordon and Erima area.
He said: "Gordon market is the meeting place where people from parts of the country come here, meet and carry out their business.
"It is not fair if we close the market and relocate it outside of the city because every land in the city has been occupied by the formal sector.
"I want my people to have some space in the centre of the city to carry out their trading too."
He said the action of an individual has greatly impacted the innocent people and business.
He reopened the market under the following conditions that the market will start with the selling of fresh vegetables, fresh meat and fresh fish. ONEPNG/PostCourier
He said all informal sellers will be suspended for an indefinite period until they put in place proper market security measures.
Meanwhile, informal vendors can trade at Lavera market in Hohola and Boroko market, which soon will be open.
The market has been closed for over a week following the daylight murder of a police officer by thugs near the Gordon bus stop.
During the service, Governor Parkop and the residents at Gordon made a commitment to change the market and refrain from petty crimes and murder and start rebuilding its status and reputation.
Mr Parkop said after the incident, he was put under a lot of pressure from other MPs and the public to permanently close the market but he had stubbornly decided to reopen it because it will benefit the local sellers and consumers around the Waigani, Gordon and Erima area.
He said: "Gordon market is the meeting place where people from parts of the country come here, meet and carry out their business.
"It is not fair if we close the market and relocate it outside of the city because every land in the city has been occupied by the formal sector.
"I want my people to have some space in the centre of the city to carry out their trading too."
He said the action of an individual has greatly impacted the innocent people and business.
He reopened the market under the following conditions that the market will start with the selling of fresh vegetables, fresh meat and fresh fish. ONEPNG/PostCourier
He said all informal sellers will be suspended for an indefinite period until they put in place proper market security measures.
Meanwhile, informal vendors can trade at Lavera market in Hohola and Boroko market, which soon will be open.