More than 100-thousand people in one of the most isolated districts of West New Britain will soon have access to Kundu 2 television and NBC Radio signals, for the first time.
Member for Kandrian Gloucester Joseph Lelang, signed a Memorandum Of Understanding with the National Broadcasting Corporation, yesterday, to fund the building of three-million Kina telecommunication towers to be built in his district to enable information services.
The member presented the first two-million Kina to NBC in Port Moresby, yesterday.
Joseph Lelang when presenting the cheque said he can not excerpt the fact that his people are somewhat living in dark-ages.
He said the Kanrian Glouster district at present still don't have basic services such as electricity, radio and television, telephone, etc.
Thousands of people in the district have no idea on what's going on in the country.
"I do not have the latest statistics to show how many people of our people in the country have access to radio services, but in my area, and in fact as we speak 99% dont have access to radio or television services because we do not have the towers to relay the signals down. And our people dont have access to news and information. Just imagine the kind of societies like this. "
Its anticipated Kandiran Glouster should receive Kundu2 and NBC radio station signals by end of this year.
Its anticipated Kandiran Glouster should receive Kundu2 and NBC radio station signals by end of this year.
NBC Managing Director Memafu Kapera said, NBC still need to reach out to rural areas, and also to maintain some of its deteriorating infrastructures around the country, however funding is always an hindrance.
Mr Kapera thank the local member for the partnership and has assured the member that the 3- towers requested for will be constructed by NBC.