EU first counsel Rudie Filon told the human resources development (HRD) working group workshop of the APEC senior officials meeting yesterday that e-commerce trading was already in the country.
Speaking on the important roles development partners played in the development of human resources, Filon said that over the past 20 years the digital economy had become a reality, e-business, e-commerce and digitisation’s had all taken off at high speed.
The economic value of the digital economy is about US$3 trillion (K9.55 trillion).
“EU is fortunate that we have this trade-related assistance project to PNG which is in its second phase and it has been extended and will conclude this year,” Filon said.
“Through this programme, we aim to help PNG with drafting of the highly needed e-commerce legislation and that is where we need to push forward with our support for this legislation work in PNG because e-commerce trading has already arrived in PNG.
“Banks, for instance, allow electronic form completion by customers or interbank transfers or telegraphic transfers and for paying bills.
“E-commerce legislations would retroactively help provide the legislative framework.”
Filon said EU supports the creation of its electronic trade agreement management system to improve the visibility of the agreement for trade specialists and other stakeholders and provide access to trade agreement information centre to support the management of trade agreements.
Filon said necessary data still had to be inputted into the system and staff needed to be trained.
“Once fully operational, the tool will greatly assist in future treaty negotiations by providing officers in PNG with objective data analysis,” he said.
“Poverty reduction has been an overarching objective for EU development assistance in PNG.
“The more Papua New Guineans can be provided with necessary skills for today’s labour market, the higher the likelihood that they are able to be recruited in PNG’s evolving digital economy and thus reap the benefits of PNG’s economic development.”.