Papua New Guinea has announced a one-off aid package to three small Pacific island nations in need of development assistance.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill this afternoon presented a cheque five million Kina to Tuvalu Prime Minister, Enele Sopoaga.
He also presented another cheque of five million Kina to Tonga’s Prime Minister, Lord Tu'ivakano.
Mr O’Neill further committed one-million-US-Dollars or about three million Kina to the Marshall Islands, to help the three countries deal with effects of climate change.
He also announced a regional budgetary assistance program.
"Papua New Guinea is able to do this and assist in these programs because Papua New Guinea is experiencing an enormous growth in our economy, averaging about six percent per annum.
"And, that growth is expected to continue in the medium term and, off course, we expect it to double our G-D-P within a couple of years.
"From next year's budget onwards, there will be a specific allocation in our budget for a regional development assistance program and will be rolled out every year," said Mr. O' Neil.