As per the Education Department’s direction, teachers organised a general assembly this morning to speak to the students about preventive measures they should take to protect themselves against the virus and also to stop discrimination against people living with HIV & AIDS.
Deputy Principal for Administration Ms Florence Kangune said students as young 15 years old are already drinking and taking drugs and these are some contributing factors in contracting the virus.
“They already know how to drink and go out partying at clubs so out of curiosity, you can expect these things to contribute one way or the other in putting our children’s life at risk”
Ms Kangune urged parents to be open to their children in discussing sensitive issues which are also life threatening issues.
“I call on the parents and the teachers also to talk to our children openly about this virus, educate them about the preventive measures as they are already exposed to HIV & AIDS at this young age” said Ms Kangune. PNGFM/ONEPNG