The eviction of settlers without relocating them is a problem that the government of today has to address.
Before the government issues an eviction notice, the government must have a plan to relocate settlers.
Central Province Governor Kila Haoda made this statement, as this has been the pinch of what his people have been experiencing as they have always swamped into his people’s customary land.
“This is my peoples land and the government must prepare land for the settlers to resettle in, before an eviction notice is issued” said Governor Haoda.
It is saddening to see settlers intending to parasite on customary land without proper authorization and the government must do something to address it.
Mr Haoda’s call was flanked by the Deputy Chairman for Motu Koitabu, Opao Udia, Hiri President Haoda Rogea and representatives from the CPG. PNGFM