The new road construction underway from 9 Mile passing through Gerehu to Downtown has seen power poles affected and dangerously hanging on the side of homes and sewage pipes broken. There have been cases of children getting sick and already one death has been reported resulting from the unhygienic situation.
The officers now want National Capital District Commission to address this matter before the road can be open for construction.
“This could have been avoided if an agreement back in 2014 with the Contractor, NCDC and the RPNGC to relocate the homes in the path of the construction was followed,” said the spokes person.
The initial agreement in 2014 between the affected families and the developer was for NCDC, China Harbour Engineering Limited to build 46 new houses and relocate the affected police families before constructing the road through Tasion Police Barracks.
Other issues affecting the residents at the Barracks include, exposure to dust, the controlling of dust using contaminated sewage water from the nearby drains, speeding vehicles and noise pollution.
The barracks committee has also written a letter regarding their concerns to the police hierarchy to deal with this matter.