There is a general issue of increased students to teacher ratio and classroom overcrowding especially for schools in the city of Port Moresby and any other centres in the country but St John’s Catholic Primary School of Tokarara in the Moresby North West Electorate will be relieved from this burden with the inclusion of 4 new classrooms.
The new four-in-one classroom building which is fully equipped with student desks and tables and chairs for teachers will cater for a new stream of classes for grades three to six. Each lower primary grade will now have a new class added to the existing stream of two classes per grade thus boosting the enrolment quota for students as well as addressing the classroom overcrowding issue for the school. This is according to the school’s Head Mistress Mrs Martha Kousapi who thanked the member of Moresby North west and Health Minister Hon. Michael Malabag for the initiative to boost the school’s capacity to serve in the field of education.A